FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess

Por um escritor misterioso
Last updated 28 abril 2024
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
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Based on Elo rating, what percentile am I in? - Chess Stack Exchange
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Is it good to have a lichess rating of 1400-1500? - Quora
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
In users have a rating. What is this? Is this connected to a wider chess rating? How can one's rating level be interpreted, and what is a passably good rating?
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
FIDE Elo percentiles : r/chess
Based on Elo rating, what percentile am I in? - Chess Stack Exchange

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